Am Frankenturm 5, 50667 Cologne Itinéraire
Cuisine moderne,Cuisine du terroir
  • Une étoile MICHELIN : une cuisine d’une grande finesse. Vaut l’étape ! Des produits de première qualité, une finesse d’exécution évidente,des saveurs marquées, une constance dans la réalisation des plats.

Informations complémentaires

  • Cuisine moderne
  • Cuisine du terroir
  • Repas en terrasse
  • Amex
  • Mastercard
  • Visa

Informations pratiques


What is it about this restaurant run by Jan Cornelius Maier and Tobias Becker ("maiBeck" for short) that makes it so popular? First and foremost, the modern cuisine, with dishes such as gently braised shoulder of German salt meadow lamb, winter spinach from Rommerskirchen, parsley root, mirabelle plum – sophisticated and rife with flavour, but also down-to-earth and accessible. The atmosphere is suitably unpretentious, which is in no small part down to the exceptionally congenial hosts and their well-coordinated team. They may set great store by using quality produce, but the prices are really reasonable! The same goes for the wine list, especially those available by the bottle. Finally, the location in the old town between the cathedral and the Rhine means that the terrace is a place to see and be seen. Tip: Take a stroll through the old town before or after you dine.


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